Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Saturday, March 20

Wow, it has been quite awhile since I blogged. I started out with the best intentions but we all know what they say about the path to hell....

Over the past few weeks, I have been completely overwhelmed by the gifts of individuals to my fundraising campaign. So many kind people given money that will support cancer research, patient services, patient financial aid, cancer educational services and the list continues. None of this would be possible without private funding. And believe it or not, a reseacher at MCV is a recent grant recipient and that is a great source of pride. I have achieved 80% of my fundraising goal and am excited to meet that goal soon.

Great weather for a training run! Faith, a lymphoma survivor, came out and shared her story as the mission moment, she has been in remission almost 1 year! We went through the usual Saturday morning announcements, stretches, etc. and we were off.

I had a horrible cold and each step reminded my sinuses that we should still be in bed. But the weather was just too nice to be inside and the scale was kind enough to show me that, despite what we believe and tell ourselves, Girl Scout cookies really are not calorie free. My goal for the day was to make it to the end of each mile without coughing up a lung and I thought I started off pretty well.


Until I felt something warm and wet hit my shirt and it was not the mucus dripping from my nose. It was black and gross. A bird must have mistaken my nice green running shirt for a nice green tree branch. It was a sign, I should have stayed in bed.

But after using most of the water in Art's water bottle to clean off my shirt and receiving from my "ew gross, this sucks" meltdown, we headed out for the miles of the morning.

After two miles, I had to make a choice between breathing, talking or running. I chose the breathing and turned around. Figured I would do 4 miles and call it 6. But once I got back to the park, I had visions of girl scout cookies and the bathroom scale in my mind so I did another mile around the lake while I waited for Art and Chuck to finish up their miles so we could head out to breakfast.

I wish I could say that Saturday was a life altering experience or that I had a great run or that I had experience some Divine motivation but it was just an average run on a great day to be outside.

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